
We have a passion for keeping a clean environment. As a local company, we treat waste as if it’s in our backyard. Because it is.

The location of our transfer stations reduces the number of smaller trucks traveling to the landfill. That results in less traffic, lower emissions, less wear and tear on the roads, and less noise. We carefully follow an industrial stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP).

We remove hazardous materials, rather than sending them to the landfill. We recycle clean cardboard and metals. 

We offer recycling in the construction and demolition arena, including providing LEED load documentation for contractors. 

We operate at the highest levels and are in good standing with all state and federal regulations. 

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Innovative Re-Use Initiatives

We’re proud to partner with Twin River, a Utah company that processes expired bakery items for use as cow feed. AIRC’s high standards of cleanliness convinced Twin River we were the best choice to support their stringent process of removing non-food-based waste.

That innovative partnership was recently awarded the Utah Business 2020 Green Business Award for Waste and Recycling.

We have a passion for keeping a clean environment.